
In the season of Lent, we enter into the forty-day fast that Jesus undertook in the wilderness. Through this dedicated period of self-examination, we allow God to further shape us into the image of Jesus. We also align our hearts with the suffering of Jesus as we move ever closer toward Holy Week and the event of the crucifixion.
The season begins with Ash Wednesday, in which we receive the imposition of ashes and are reminded we are but dust and to dust we shall return. During this season, we observe chosen forms of fasting, prayer, and service or charity for forty days but break the fast on Sundays, which are considered feast days of celebration throughout the church year.
—Jenn Giles Kemper
Below, you'll find an ever-growing collection of resources to help you deepen your experience of the season. Many of them were created by members of the Sacred Ordinary Days community of kindreds, and the list has been—and will continue to be—curated by our kindreds. Share your own recommendations for additional resources on the Sacred Ordinary Days Facebook page to have them added here.

Stages on the Way: Worship Resources for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter by John L. Bell and Wild Goose Worship Group
40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger, A Different Kind of Fast by Alicia Britt Chole
40 Days, 40 Ways: A New Look at Lent by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, PhD
The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent by Pamela C. Hawkins
Lent with St. Francis: Daily Reflections by Diane M. Houdek
Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days by Trevor Hudson
Simplifying the Soul: Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit by Paula Huston
Sacred Space for Lent 2017 by the Irish Jesuits
Rediscover Lent by Matthew Kelly
Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons by Jan Richardson
Wondrous Encounters: Scriptures for Lent by Richard Rohr
Eastertide: Prayers for Lent through Easter from the Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle
Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter by Various

Lent Spotify playlist curated by Sacred Ordinary Days
Lent at Ephesus by Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles
Lent at Ephesus by Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles
"Dust We Are and Shall Return" by The Brilliance on Brother
"From the Depths of Woe (Psalm 130)" by Indelible Grace, featuring Andrew Osenga and Emily Deloach, on Joy Beyond the Sorrow: Indelible Grace VI
Vapor by The Liturgists
No. 3: Lord, Have Mercy by A New Liturgy
Lent: Music in Solitude by Eric Nordhoff and the Transforming Center

S1 | E6 : Ash Wednesday + Fasting + Discernment with Jenn Giles Kemper and Lacy Clark Ellman on the Sacred Ordinary Days podcast
S1 | E7 : Lent + Prayer with Jenn Giles Kemper and Lacy Clark Ellman on the Sacred Ordinary Days podcast
S1 | E8 : Lent + Almsgiving with Jenn Giles Kemper and Lacy Clark Ellman on the Sacred Ordinary Days podcast
S1 | E9 : Holy Week + Easter + Prayer with Jenn Giles Kemper and Lacy Clark Ellman on the Sacred Ordinary Days podcast
The Women of Sacred Ordinary Days Discuss Lent with Lisa Colón DeLay, Jenn Giles Kemper, and Lacy Clark Ellman on the Spark My Muse podcast

Vapor Meditation by The Liturgists
Vapor (Official Video) by The Liturgists
Lenten Video Series by The Religion Teacher
The Right Reasons to Give Something Up for Lent by Phil Ressler

Lent: A Season of Returning by Ruth Haley Barton and the Transforming Center
Ash Wednesday at Home: Fire and Ashes by Jerusalem Greer at Building Faith
Keeping Lent: A Guide to What We Do for Kids by Frankie and Kendra at Catholic All Year
40 Things to Give Up for Lent: The List by Phil Ressler at Greater Things Today
Lent and Visual Faith by Phil Ressler at Greater Things Today
Lent Coloring Calendar by Patricia Maier at Greater Things Today
The Last Days of Jesus {Lent Scriptures} by Candace Crabtree at His Mercy Is New
Jesus Tree: Walk With Jesus Through Lent by JesseTreeTreasures
#pictureLent by Life Enrichment Center
Forty Ways to Care for Your Soul This Lent by Rev. Mary Luck Stanley at Living Our Faith: St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Stations of the Cross Retreat by Pray as You Go
Lenten Calendar Templates 2016 by Sybil MacBeth at Praying in Color
The Lent Experience by Ride the Ferris Wheel
Editing: A Lenten Practice by Leah Slawson
40 Acts: Do Lent Generously by Stewardship
* Some links are affiliate links. It costs you nothing extra to use them, but they support our work in gathering and sharing resources like these with you.