A Favorite (new) Advent Tradition for Your Family: The Christmas Star from Afar

The Christmas Star from Afar


A Wooden Nativity Set and Book for Advent & Christmas with Kids

Advent has arrived, kindred. Whether you’re welcoming this season like an old friend or kicking and screaming because of the year we’ve had, there is space for you. Today we thought we’d share with you one of our team’s favorite (new) Advent traditions—The Christmas Star From Afar.

The Christmas Star from Afar is a family tradition that brings the wonder of Advent anticipation to everyday family life. The hide-n-seek style game sends children on a daily (or occasional, you choose!) hunt for the Christmas Star, alongside the Wise Men. Every night the Star is hidden in your home. The next morning your kiddo will search high and low until they locate it. Once they’ve found their Star they move all three Wise Men to the star’s location. Repeat this over and over again until Christmas morning when the star will be found on top of the stable above baby Jesus!

The Christmas Star from Afar

What’s Included?

  • a hardcover book

  • a 14 piece colorful wooden nativity set

  • a wooden star

How Brooke uses the Star from Afar with her Family

“My family had so much fun with our Christmas Star from Afar set last year. We used the Stable Animals as an Elf on the Shelf alternative—an idea that came from Jenn's conversation with Star Kids Company founder Natalie Ard. You see, the animals wanted to follow the star and help find the Christ child, too. Each morning my daughter awoke to find them in some kind of mess or mischief near the Star's hiding place. Each evening she put them back in the stable where they belonged—with a reminder to stay put and practice waiting patiently, even though it's hard! Then we read that day's Scripture Card to learn more about the story of Jesus' birth.

I gave all my nieces and nephews the main Star from Afar set last year, and I’m adding sets of Stable Animals and Scripture Cards for them this year. I'm happy to have that much of my Christmas shopping done, and can't wait to add to their collection.”






The Christmas Star from Afar Stable Animals
   Stable Animals
The  set of stable animals to adds six pieces to your nativity and an extra level of engagement for your family.       



The Christmas Star from Afar Scripture Cards



Scripture Cards

The scripture cards can be hidden with the Star and read or used separately as gift tags, note cards, or lunchbox notes.