What traditions help you welcome Advent?

It feels like Advent crept up slowly this year. I've been keeping her in plain sight, watching the days count down to the new season. (Isn't it lovely when the days fall just right and the first Sunday of Advent actually falls on Dec 1st? ) But, even though I've been watching her come, I still wish there was more time. Maybe it's because Thanksgiving fell so late, leaving just a few days before the beginning of Advent, instead of the week we sometimes get?

I re-listened to the Advent episode of our podcast to see if I still felt like it was good enough to share. I think it really is! I've learned and grown a lot since I recorded it, so I was pleased to listen and realize it is still solid. :) I’ve got my advent wreath and candles upstairs in the office, ready to come downstairs tomorrow. I still need to go get some candle dots/sticky wax to keep the candles level after my candles got a little off and were extra drippy last year in my new advent candle holder.  I have some ideas for where to hang garlands in our new house. I also have some tired eyes. (I got asked twice this week if I was the mama or the grandma for my boys, so the tired eyes must be severe. Ha.) Though I don't feel as unprepared as I have some years for this season of preparation, I did hope to have taken some family photos together by now and have a spot for the tree picked out. How are you coming to this transition?

There's still a little time before Advent begins on Sunday, December 1st. And there's the whole season on Advent to settle into our preparations—to practice moving slowly, and joyfully, and hopefully toward our celebration of the birth of Christ and the return of the light. Today, I'm enjoying one last day fully present to this season of Ordinary Time. And tomorrow, I'll probably begin setting out the Advent wreath. I'm anticipating the return of well-worn, beloved traditions, and also looking forward to adding some new ones.

One new addition our family is anticipating this year is The Christmas Star from Afar, which is equal parts nativity set and game that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas. It's a wonderful way to nourish faith and foster a sense of wonder, especially with little ones. If you're curious to learn more, I did a Facebook Live with Star from Afar creator Natalie Ard earlier this week. You can watch the playback of our conversation here.

What traditions have you crafted for Advent, new or a long-held? We'd love to hear about them. We're sharing some of our favorite Advent resources below. If you want more ideas and resources created and/or curated by our kindreds, you can find them here.

Happy (almost) new year, friends! 

Alongside you,

P.S. Our Black Friday Bundles are still on sale and will be through Monday (or until we run out of each), so head on over to our shop and check them out.


In the season of Advent, we remember the many years—centuries, really—the people of God waited for the long-prophesied Messiah, who eventually arrived through the birth of Jesus. The word Advent, in fact, means “coming” or “arrival.” It marks the beginning of the liturgical year because it is where the story begins.

During this season, we assume a posture of waiting. We choose to enter the story as it happened for those who came before us: with anticipation, with groaning, with longing, with hope.

It is no new practice for us to wait in the dark. We, too, live in a world of shadows. We, too, trust in a future victorious day. We, too, cling with a stubborn hope to what God has promised: the return of our coming King. Advent is a time for us to practice the “already but not yet” kind of waiting.

Listen to the Advent episode of the #SacredOrdinaryDays podcast.

Enjoy our Advent playlist on Spotify
along with over 5,000 kindreds.


Try our planner starting at the beginning of the season of Advent.