A Simple Daily Rhythm of Rest + Delight

As we continue through our month focused on renewal, I want to share a simple daily rhythm that I've found helpful—embracing a rhythm of rest and rewards interwoven with my work

Intentional pauses for rest and delight train us toward the practice of Sabbath and keep our work sustainable. These daily invitations are woven into the Sacred Ordinary Days Planner—along with regular invitations to stillness, scripture reading, and reflection. These invitations help us experience the renewal Sabbath offers, receiving it with open hands and glad hearts. 

You can start by naming three priorities for your day, along with what you will do as a rest or reward for completing them. 

A “rest” option grounds and revitalizes you. Step outside and look around. Light a candle. Take a drive. Watch the sunset.

​A “reward” gives you something to anticipate upon the completion of a priority. Drink a cup of tea in your favorite teacup. Read a chapter in a book. Have a dance party.

We include a Rest | Reward Bank in the Sacred Ordinary Days planner, and today I'm sharing it with you. Use it to keep a running list of ways to incorporate this rhythm of rest and reward into your daily life.



As you try out the ideas, notice which ones truly restore you and bring you joy. It may not always be what you expect. You can find more ideas to get started with here. 

Does the current rhythm of your days encourage a practice of Sabbath rest and delight? What ideas top your list of favorite rests and rewards? How do you discern what truly restores you?

Alongside you,

P. S. Join me live on Facebook and Instagram tomorrow? I'll share more about the new planners, interwoven rhythms of rest + reward, and answer all your questions. Find me on Facebook at 11am Central or on Instagram at 1pm Central


Last week we shared some books that have helped us pursue renewal as part of our whole life, even beyond our faith life. This week we're sharing a few more that are specifically written from a spiritual perspective. They're still great for pursuing holistic renewal.