Kindred Tea Time: Prayer

 If we could sit down with you over a cup of tea (or coffee) each week, these are the tools and treasures we’d be excited to share with you. We’ll ask a question, share our answers, then invite you to join and share your own tools and treasures on a teatime break.


How has this Lenten season impacted your prayer life?

Do you have a favorite prayer practice? Has a certain mindset or approach changed the way you pray?  


Candles or Incense as an Act of Centering Prayer

"On Ash Wednesday I sat next to the altar table, and the incense was close to my face. Watching the incense burn, and inhaling the scent made me focus on my prayer. I'm going to start a practice of lighting candles or incense when I pray as a visceral, sensory experience that will help settle my mind."


Listening Prayer

  "For as long as I can remember, prayer was primarily about my talking to God, my thoughts, my agenda. The practice of listening prayer has helped me tune in to the God who speaks in return."

Wearing Prayer Beads

"This year for Lent, I am combining practices of prayer and Sabbath by trading in my watch for a set of wearable prayer beads every Sunday. A visible and tactile reminder to accept the invitations to pray throughout the day and to experience more unfettered time." 

 Quote from a Sister

"I visited a Benedictine Monastery & Retreat Center in January. One of the sisters shared the story of her call to monasticism. As she described this experience, she said "I had always struggled with prayer, because I only ever thought that you could pray with words. These words have been on my mind this season."