Meet Chelsea Pennington, Graphic Designer


Chelsea Pennington joined the Sacred Ordinary Days teams in January 2020 (just in time for Epiphany), and we could not be more excited. Chelsea is an incredibly talented visual artist with a background that merges classical fine art with contemporary graphic design. She's a Baylor grad and worked in graphic design for Baylor before coming to work with us. After hiring her for a few freelance projects, Jenn knew she would be the perfect addition to our team and began plotting how to hire her fulltime. 

Chelsea says, "I love utilizing my artistic talents to make visual sense of concepts which is why Graphic Design is my passion. I met Jenn when I started attending church with her 7 years ago and started working on some projects with her in the last year when we realized, hey, we work really well together! I'm so thrilled to be joining the Sacred Ordinary Days team. I can't wait to use my skills to help elucidate the liturgical years for old and new users!"

Fun Facts About Chelsea:
🏡Hometown: Waco, TX has been home for 12 years, but Reno, NV and the Bay Area, CA before that.
🎄Favorite Christmas Song: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
🍵Coffee or Tea: Hot Chocolate 
❓Hidden Talent (or random fun fact): I can quote movies like nobody's business. I frequently surprise people with random movie quotes and I have multiple movies almost completed memorized.
🎥Favorite Movie: Pride and Prejudice
🤫Unpopular Opinion: There are no salad dressings I like, not even ranch.

Head on over to Facebook or Instagram to say hi to Chelsea. Make sure to introduce yourself (maybe even share one of your favorite quotable movies).