S1 | E5: Ordinary Time + Rule of Life

Jenn and Lacy talk about the season of Ordinary Time, daily practices, and crafting a rule of life. 

Listen below, or through your favorite podcasting app.




Creating a Rule of Life Course
Spiritual Director’s International – Seek & Find Guide
Rule of Life
Pilgrim Principles by Lacy Clark Ellman
31 Days to a Meaningful Morning online course
The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte
consolation vs. desolation
Examen Practice download

Examen / Ignatian resources:


How do you experience Ordinary Time? Are you someone who looks forward to its invitation to embrace the everyday or do you prefer the “high” seasons of Christmas, Easter, and the periods that surround them?

Share your response in the Sacred Ordinary Days Tribe Facebook group or on social media using the hashtag #sacredordinarydays.