Day 17 #formationFOUNDATIONS | Companionship


Today is the seventeenth day of our #formationFOUNDATIONS series. In case you're new here, you can read more about this series or start from the beginning at Our goal for this series is to help you...

  • LEARN about different spiritual practices that you can adopt for your own walk. You will learn how to make the most of your Sacred Ordinary Days planner or the FREE Essentials Workbook you got when you joined our newsletter list, which has all the most essential pages from the planner that we don't want anyone to miss out on.
  • PRACTICE these things on a daily, weekly, seasonally and yearly schedule. You will be able to lay (or bolster up) a strong spiritual formation foundation by clearing the space for your new spiritual practices to deepen.
  • SHARE your experience with people who speak the same language. You'll get to know the other members of our community, who are some of the wisest, most interesting, super fun, and most real people I know by following along on Instagram or Facebook or inside Common House, our ecumenical online community.

Day 17 | Companionship

The journey of life is long and beautiful. Our seasons of life change. Sometimes the path is known and sometimes it takes a turn that takes us by surprise. Who are your sacred, trusted traveling companions? Do you have different companions in different seasons? Or some who have journeyed with you throughout several seasons?

Look for someone who is trustworthy, someone who will walk with you, someone who you can have a mutual relationship with. Someone who you can be brave with and who will be brave with you; someone who you can be honest with and who will be honest with you. 

Maybe your companion is a friend, a relative, a mentor. Sometimes we find ourselves in places full of those people who understand who we are and where we are at and those companions come easy to us. Other times we find ourselves in places where those companions don't come easy, where they are hard to find, where we feel as though we are into journey alone. 

In those seasons, what do you do? Do you go reach out to people as companions who are with you even if they don't always get it? Do you turn to books or music as companions? Do you turn to a spiritual director?

A spiritual director can be a companion for you on your journey of life, being it for a season or for the long haul. A spiritual director will listen to you, join you in prayer, and be with you as you look for God's movement in your life or seek discernment in a decision or opportunity. 

If you want to listen to more about companions and traveling life with others, check out our podcast from the first season, episode 14. You can listen to on our website, on SoundCloud, in iTunes, or with your favorite podcasting app. 



Now it is your turn: 

  • Who are your traveling companions? How have you found those people?
  • Do you meet (or have you met) with a spiritual director? How is, or was, that for you?

Head over to Instagram or Facebook and share your reflection or a photo using #formationFOUNDATIONS and tag us @sacredordinarydays, please! Or, join the conversation inside Common House, our ecumenical online community.

This is the fourth week of our Formation Foundation series and will focus on Seasonal Practices. We'll always share the latest blog post in the series at when it's live. So, check there each day for the latest!

If you'd like to use the planner alongside us, you can order one today or get August for $2. You might even already have a planner, either the new Academic year or the previous Liturgical year. If not, today's the day to order yours since they just started on August 1st.